Cara mengetahui ip server wifi

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I’m going to have devices in different places and am thinking of building a product. Like how we get the SSID from the WiFi.SSID call.

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I’m assuming this is hidden somewhere as a variable in the library either as a variable or a call. So, if one can get the correct resolved IP from the device, we can then use it in the Webhooks in IFTTT. The device resolves and connects to the right server and never fails with the invalid token error. This kind of hit and miss is not something good. It worked on one day and I captured the resolved IP and started using it in Webhooks in IFTTT. When I set up my device, the HTTP RESTful API was failing from the browser with an error msg “Invalid token”. Why he’d need this info is still a mystery, unless he was having geo DNS issues and wants to know if a ping from his mobile device resolved the same IP as the server his MCU has connected to.